- CodeWarrier projects and source to libraries. - CodeWarrier libraries only Content of the archive are as follows: PNGLib v0.80, zlib v0.95 lbpngPPC.lib - CodeWarrier PPC native library with PPC alignment. lbpngPPC.lib.68k - CodeWarrier PPC native library with 68K alignment. libpng.68k - CodeWarrier 68K library with 4byte int's. zlib.68k - CodeWarrier 68K library with 4byte int's. zlibPPC.lib - CodeWarrier PPC native library with PPC alignment. zlibPPC.lib.68k - CodeWarrier PPC native library with 68K alignment. Updated to PNGLib v0.80, zlib v0.95 by: Mark Womack, Infographics, Inc. email: NOTE: also contains the above libraries and source code. for updates check out Mark Fleming software: